LIFE MUSIC (8 Channel Version, UA)
Klangprojektionen (4/7)
DI 15. Mai 2007, Works by Günther Albrecht (A), Barry Schrader (USA), Nicolas Vérin (F) a.o. A Concert of the Institute for Composition und Elektroakustics and the Internationale Gesellschaft für Neue Musik (IGNM), Vienna.
Klangregie: Igor Lintz-Maues

LIFE MUSIC (5.0 Version)
Screened at:
VISUAL RHYTHMS - Event, Gathering, Exhibition, Forum
organized by Simon Longo and Max Schleser.
October 10th, 2007, The Sheppard Bar, Shepherd's Bush, London.
Life performances by Dithernoise, ImageKraft, Fari Bradley;
Screenings of recorded work by Bret Battey, Brian O’Reilly, Jon Samsworth, Guenther Albrecht, Roger Mills, Neil Jenkins a.o.
